05 February 2010

Weight update

The poor babies had to get another vaccine yesterday. The good news is that we got to weigh them. Ellie now weighs 15 lb. 15 oz. and Molly is up to 11 lb. 13.5 oz. Hooray for healthy babies!!

01 February 2010

I've got a secret

The girls have begun to tell each other secrets! Fortunately Logan is in the loop.

16 January 2010

Four months old!!

Our sweet little babies are four months old! We can hardly believe it. We have new baby statistics on them (percentiles in parentheses).

Ellie now weighs 13 lb. 12.5 oz (52% !!!) is 23" long (10%) and her head circumference is 15.5" (11%).

Molly weighs 10 lb. 3.5 oz is 12.75" long and her head circumference is 15" - still less than the third percentile in every category.

08 January 2010

Molly hiccups

Jumping jacks

I think all children should be required to do jumping jacks just because it is so darned funny.


This is why we don't leave colanders on the counter in the kitchen.

Weight update

We have new weights on the babies. Ellie is now 13 lbs. 7.5 oz and Molly is 9 lbs. 12.5 oz!! Woo hoo!