18 November 2009

2 month check-up

We took the girls in for their two month wellness visit with their pediatrician yesterday. It is hard to believe they are two months old! They had each gained a little weight since their last weigh in. Ellie weighs 8 lb. 1 oz. and Molly is up to 5 lb. 13.5 oz. They got three shots each as well. Poor babies.

Both girls are battling their first colds. They are congested, sneezing, and coughing. It is so pitiful to see such tiny babes struggling, but they are both troopers. They are still smiling and interacting well with us. Logan volunteered that she thinks she got the babies sick. We tend to agree.

I am hoping to get some more pictures uploaded in my "down time." The kids are so cute it is hard to decide which pictures to post. I love having dilemmas like that!

12 November 2009

Weight update

We took the girls to the doctor today and Ellie is now 7 lb. 15 oz. and Molly is 5 lb. 11 oz. Holy moly! These girls can eat!

07 November 2009

Gold star for dad

So we got this cute little outfit from my Aunt Suzanne (thanks Suzy!!) that has "daddy loves me" printed on the front. Of course, we had to get pictures of Dave holding Ellie the first time she wore the outfit. What happened next? Ellie started screaming. Then Dave started laughing. I got to capture the moment and it is now one of my favorite pictures.

04 November 2009

Benefits of small babies

We don't need a bassinet because a laundry basket works.

We only need one bouncy chair.

We do still need three boppy pillows though!

Halloween pictures

I can't apologize enough for being so slow to update this blog. Our lives are truly chaotic right now. These are a few pics of the girls in costume. We'll have to get some of the twins in their pea pods side by side.